
Practical example of fibre optics expansion: Network operator uses electronic locking system

Fast Internet needs fast lines - not all of which are protected underground: The housings with the distribution nodes, for example, are widely dispersed in public spaces and accessible from the outside. Here, it is important for technical managers of CRITIS installations to ensure the highest possible level of security. Using the practical example of a network operator, this article shows which system attributes should be taken into account for an electronic locking system for broadband expansion.

The expansion of the fibre optic cable network for fast Internet connections remains a mammoth project in Germany. Existing infrastructure must be upgraded, expanded, and replaced by state-of-the-art technical facilities. Among other things, this means that the grey distribution boxes at the side of the road will gradually have to give way for new, high-tech multifunctional enclosures. They are intended to protect the digital line nodes via which the sensitive Internet data is distributed to the individual households.  

As the housings are located in large numbers in public areas, the requirements on locking systems are correspondingly high, in terms of security, quality, and weather resilience. This is because the new distribution housings not only conceal complex, expensive and sensitive technology, but also offer protection against hackers who could access the data streams at the line nodes. At the same time, staff must regularly visit the widely scattered distribution nodes and open the housings to carry out checks and maintenance work. For technical managers, locking systems are required that combine high security and durability with great flexibility.

Important requirements for locking systems from the perspective of network operators

With a modern electronic locking system, you securely protect your technical outdoor facilities from unauthorised persons and at the same time you are able to grant your team flexible access authorisations. The following features of locking system are particularly important for your area of application:

  • A single electronic locking system for all outdoor technical installations is advantageous, and the number of cylinders can also be scaled as required.
  • If the system is wireless, the locking cylinders can be installed quickly. Subsequent expansion or modification is very simple and cost-effective.
  • High-quality locking components are important for tough outdoor use. This also includes high weather resilience and good functionality at extreme temperatures.
  • As a rule, the longer the specified term of operation of locking systems, the more reliable they are. Long intervals between battery changes promise low maintenance.
  • With an electronic locking system, you only need one management solution for all objects and persons - even if the system is extended.
  • Data protection should already be ensured by the system. Higher levels of security can be achieved with usage protocols, encryption, and multifactor authentication.
  • Management is made even easier when users can update access authorisations while on the move via an app.


Example of broadband expansion with new technical systems

In the course of broadband expansion, a major network operator in Germany has been upgrading its line networks from copper to fibre optics for some time now. A double-digit million number of households will be converted to the future-proof fibre-optic technology. The number of new multifunctional housings required at the line nodes approaches the hundreds of thousands.

In particular, these multi-functional housings, in which the network's line nodes are located, make high-security demands on systems. There, the optical signals from the fibre optic line are converted into electrical pulses that are forwarded to the households' conventional copper cables - the last mile. To make it possible for the sensitive signal conversion devices to work optimally, the housings are equipped with a power supply, air conditioning, filtered outside air, and electromagnetic shielding: So it's basically a kind of server room on a public street. All housings must be protected from unauthorised access using a locking system and yet still be accessible to employees.

Over 400 requirements ranging from security to data protection

It is obvious that such exposed and highly sensitive technology requires particularly secure locking systems. Therefore, the network operator set high standards with respect to the selection of the locking system. In the tender for more than 150,000 locking cylinders, not only security, functionality and interfaces of the locking solution were evaluated. Climatic conditions, quality, and reliability as well as environmental protection and sustainability were also assessed. The software was calculated so that additional areas and systems can be integrated at a later date. 

With eCLIQ from the brand IKON, ASSA ABLOY met the more than 400 requirements for the locking system and won the tender. This included a wide range of requirements relating to IT security, data protection, accessibility and usability. The entire system is designed for a term of 20 years. It has now been running successfully for more than five years, so that the maximum expansion stage of 150,000 cylinders has already been exceeded. The new planning stage envisages up to 300,000 cylinders.

The example of broadband expansion demonstrates: There are electronic locking systems that even meet the extremely high and special requirements of a network operator and prove themselves in practice every day. 

Further information about CLIQ®solutions can be found on our here.