Professional services for door openings

Here to assist you throughout the building lifecycle.

From performing fire door inspections and door surveys to creating life safety plans, site surveys and inventorying all your doors, frames and hardware, our Openings Studio Professional Services Consultants can make your building safer, more secure and up to code. Our knowledgeable, certified team of door consultants will help you design, deliver and maintain your building’s door openings and are a valuable resource to building owners, architects, security consultants and contractors throughout the entire lifecycle of a building.

Learn more about our Fire Door Inspection Services below.


Our expert team of consultants help you design, deliver, and maintain your building’s door openings.

  • Design services

    Openings Studio is our industry leading specification software tool that enhances the process of door hardware scheduling, visualisation and more. It helps to make sure that traffic flows seamlessly through your building whilst giving solutions that are sustainable and legally compliant.

  • Construction services

    Our integrated software solution supports the construction phase of a build, making sure that the principals and specification of the design are followed throughout the process.

  • Management services

    We aim to support the critical safety of a building throughout its life cycle. As such we offer crucial benefits to the building owners and operators in achieving the anticipated requirements of the Fire Safety Bill.

  • Security solutions

    Our experts will work with you to help identify critical issues.

Professional services for door openings

Take control of your facility doorways by learning more about our Openings Studio team.

Tools and resources

  • Support

    Get help with technical, installation, or general product support issues.

  • Case studies

    Explore our Openings Studio projects.

  • Our product range

    Search our product range to solve your safety, security, accessibility or design challenges.

Openings Studio

At the core of our consulting services for door openings is our Opening Studio Building Information Management Software. This fully-featured web-based suite enables collaboration and support for your door openings throughout the entire buildings life-cycle.