man doing fire door inspectionman doing fire door inspection

Fire door inspections

Fire doors are one of the most important safety features in a building. Regular inspections are essential to fully ensure health and safety measures are met

The inspection includes:

The inspection includes:

  • The identification of any potential issues that could impact building safey and effective product performance.
  • A detailed report, offering advice and recommendations on the necessary improvements needed.
  • A repair proposal, which can include replacement doors and a regular maintenance program.
  • Our team of inspectors are BRE-certified and will ensure that all fire doors inspected meet all necessary standards and regulations.
  • In addition to our standard door set maintenance, the services we offer extends to include: loading bay equipment, entrance doors, windows, fabrication units and other types of products.
  • If you would like to book an inspection or find out more about the service click on the link below.
man with a tabletman with a tablet

Book your fire door inspection


  • Architectural specification

    Supporting with all your architectural specification needs

  • Training courses

    Supporting with all your architectural specification needs

  • Project management, design and construction

    Find out more about our project management, design and construction services

  • Service, maintenance and repair

    Protecting your investment to deliver long-lasting results

  • Fire door inspections

    Regular inspection schedules to ensure all health and safety requirements are met

  • Master keying consultancy

    Guiding you through every consideration for a new master key platform

  • Professional services for door openings

    Here to assist you throughout the building lifecycle.

Looking for more information?