ASSA ABLOY Opening Solutions at Chalmers University of Technology
The Columbus Regional Airport Authority is using ASSA ABLOY Opening Solutions to make its airports safer.
The Columbus Regional Airport Authority (CRAA), which operates three airports in Columbus, Ohio, selected ASSA ABLOY CLIQ® to secure its airports.
An airport can measure hundreds of acres, with buildings containing thousands of doors to secure and unsecure areas. Thousands of people need to be assigned various authorization levels.
“We have the CLIQ® system in administrative offices that store sensitive material,” says the manager of airport operations and aviation security. “Event logs show who had access to the office.”
Since CRAA combines ASSA BLOY CLIQ® and ASSA ABLOY mechanical cylinders, a building can have high-security mechanical cylinders in doors with lower security requirements, while electronic cylinders are used on doors needing greater security. If security needs change, it’s easy to expand the system.
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