Potential customer

This part of the Privacy Notice describes how we collect and process your personal information as a Potential customer and how you can contact us if you have questions.

PurposePersonal dataLegal groundRetention period
Manage data subject’s rights according to GDPRNameLegal obligation, the data is necessary for us to fulfill obligations according to swedish law During the case + 10 years
Manage personal data breaches according to GDPRNameLegal obligation, the data is necessary for us to fulfill obligations according to swedish law During the case + 10 years
Email address
Phone number
Administrate marketing mailings to contact person at potential customers (B2B), who have requested the information/signed up for mailingsNameLegitimate interest, Our interest in being able to conduct marketing outweighs the data subject's interest in not having their personal data processed for this purposeFrom opt-out + 1 year (mailings will cease immediately)
Email address
Administrate an initial marketing mailing/campaign to contact person at potential customer (B2B), who have not requested the information/signed up for mailingsNameLegitimate interest, Our interest in being able to conduct marketing outweighs the data subject's interest in not having their personal data processed for this purposeFrom the point of collection + 1 month until first contact, then 2 month
Email address
Manage market research to contact persons at potential customersNameLegitimate interest, Our interest in being able to research new business opportunities outweighs the data subject’s interest in not having their personal data processed for this purpose  Contact information, position, company affiliation and information about invite to the survey: During the contract period + 3 months
CompanyReports: From the point of receiving the report + 1 year
Survey responses 
Possibly indirect identifiers in the reports 
Information regarding whether the person concerned has been asked to participate in the survey