Key cards are equipped with a microprocessor and contain information on its owner's authorization (where and when can he/she enter). They have a pre-programmed expiry date. Information stored on the cards is protected by secret keys which protect the data against any manipulation attempts.
Cards are also issued for individual staff members of a facility. They do not have to use mechanical keys. Employee cards are valid longer, for example for one year or indefinitely.
A lost card can be disabled in the system, and a replacement card can be issued.
The cards can be provided with an individual graphic design.
Ordering indexes:
HI80MK-1 | Proximity card for LOB 8000 system, Hotel pattern |
HI80MK-2 | Proximity card for LOB 8000 system, LOB logo |
HI80MK-0 | Proximity card for LOB 8000 system, white |