Free-Motion Door Closers

The door closer that opens like it isn’t even there

When a door is equipped with a high-quality door closer, building users feel safer. They know that fire doors shut tight and sensitive openings are protected against unauthorized entry.

But sometimes, door closer technology can also create barriers to genuine access-for-all. The problem is most acute for users with restricted strength or mobility.

Why? Because door closer resistance may be too great. Or the time before closing begins may be too short. Every user is different, with individual access needs or challenges.

So, in solving one problem, some door closers accidentally create another.

A Free-Motion Door Closer from ASSA ABLOY Opening Solutions solves it.

What is Free-Motion technology?

Free-Motion combines the safety and protection of door closing technology with the comfort of a door which opens naturally and resistance-free – and may be left open at any angle.

And ASSA ABLOY’s Free-Motion technology gets to work from the very first degree of door opening.

There is no need to trade security with comfort. A door fitted with an ASSA ABLOY Free-Motion Door Closer enjoys the best of both worlds.

How a Free-Motion Door Closer combines safety and convenience

With Free-Motion technology, automatic door closing is disabled. Doors may be left open, allowing staff and visitors to circulate freely. The door opens weightlessly as far as its widest angle since Free-Motion activation.

Even heavy EN size 6 fire and smoke doors open easily. Everyone moves unhindered.

In addition, every door fitted with Free-Motion technology shuts automatically when power is cut. This deactivation can be done manually or, when integrated with a fire system, the door closes automatically when a threat is detected.

Flexible deployment and simple, tailored door closer installation

ASSA ABLOY Free-Motion technology gives building managers flexible control over almost any door in a building, without creating barriers to comfortable, convenient building use.

Free-Motion Door Closers can fit directly to the door leaf or to the frame. The range also includes closers for double doors and the option of an integrated smoke detector.

Like every ASSA ABLOY Door Closer, Free-Motion technology is robust and durable by design. It meets all critical safety and fire standards.

Closing speeds, stronger latch speeds and closing force are all adjustable to meet the demands of the specific door or location.

Free-Motion is for more than just fire doors

An ASSA ABLOY Free-Motion Door Closer is built for more than just fire and smoke protection. Free-Motion technology can add time- or event-based flexibility to every opening.

For example, closers may be active during office hours to allow easy circulation of people, then deactivated overnight, so a door closes automatically after each user passes through it.

Free-Motion Door Closers help to create a modern, flexible, barrier-free building.

Learn more about ASSA ABLOY Free-Motion Door Closers

Combine the safety of a door closer with the convenience of no door closer

Free-Motion technology ensures a door opens without resistance, while still providing critical fire and smoke protection. 

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