City of Villiers-le-Bel faced the challenge of reducing the cost of key duplication. Previously each person in the technical centre carried approximately forty keys.
If a single key was lost, for only one door, all the cylinders needed to be changed, meaning all of the keys had to be replaced, incurring an unacceptable expense. Another concern was that a malicious person could create a duplicate key and gain unauthorised access.
With CLIQ , issues surrounding lost or stolen keys can be easily resolved by cancelling the employee’s access rights.
CLIQ also saves time because employees no longer need to go to the Technical Centre to get the keys for all the equipped sites. With CLIQ only one key is required.
In addition to the Municipal Technical Centre, 10 schools in the city are now equipped with the CLIQ system. For an institution of this kind it is important to ensure that they are secure. With the CLIQ Web Manager software, it is possible to track which key holders have been granted access.
The objective is to install CLIQ within the city’s 12 remaining schools, as well as all their canteens and boilers within two to three years.
The system is being extended every year thanks to the city’s dedicated safety budget.
“1 key lost costed from €3,000 to €4,000 for changing the cylinders and redoing the keys!” explains Fabrice Girard, Territorial Technician at Villiers Le Bel Technical Centre “CLIQ Web Manager is a very easy and pleasant system to use every day”