CUSTOMER CASECLIQ access managment solution keeps clean english water flowing

CLIQ access managment solution keeps clean english water flowing


South Staffs Water (SSW) supplies drinking water to 1.3m people and 35,000 businesses, covering an area of around 1,500 km² in the English Midlands. The company sought an access control system suited to protecting its dispersed operating sites, including treatment works, reservoirs, pumping stations and water towers.

Requirements for a new installation included:

  • A high-security system adapted to protecting critical infrastructure against the risk of intrusion
  • Dependable mechanical security with protection against unauthorized duplication of site keys
  • A solution to the problem of key loss
  • Flexibility, to allow every individual employee or contractor to have access only to the assets and areas for which they are authorized
  • Expandability, so that similar security levels can be brought to additional sites or openings when needed


Partner Lincoln Security installed the CLIQ electromechanical locking system across 91 operational SSW sites. The installation comprised of 600 CLIQ padlocks, 392 cylinders, and 200 keys – plus 4 desktop programming devices and 4 wall programming devices at SSW premises around the region for key-holder revalidation.

At SSW, CLIQ builds on world class-leading mechanical locks, designed to secure the most sensitive sites. The PROTEC² system has a patented disc controller structure that requires a moving element in the CLIQ key, as well as patent protection lasting to 2031, preventing locks being compromised by unauthorized key duplication. Further enhancing this is a layer of CLIQ -powered electronic security.

For convenience, each employee carries a single, programmable CLIQ key that works only in authorized CLIQ locks. No lock can be opened without the key being authorized by the central admin software. If a key is lost, it can be de-authorized quickly. Flexible access rights allow for keys to have short validity time-periods, further reducing the risk posed by lost keys. The power comes from a standard battery in the key which means low maintenance and easy installation. “Our employees can use just one key for every site,” adds Kate Wilkes.

CLIQ access managment solution keeps clean english water flowing

Company: South Staffs Water (

Type: Utilities

Location: Midlands, England

Devices installed: approx. 1,000 PROTEC² CLIQ® programmable cylinders & padlocks, 200 CLIQ® user keys, plus 10 wall & 4 desktop CLIQ® programming devices

Year of installation: 2016