The Single Series ElectromagneticLocks operate with holding forces from 250kg up to 280kg. Covering a range of applications the A4 Electromagnets are ideal for applications from cupboard doors through to high use commercial swing doors.
With fixing options including wood, aluminium and steel constructions, as well as glass door applications, the range caters to most electromagnetic needs.
Key Features
Standards and Compliance
Non Monitored
Holding Force 250kg - 280kg
Dimensions (L)250 x (H)47 x (D) 26mm
Voltage 12Vdc/ 24Vdc ±10%
Current 450mA @ (12Vdc) 225mA @ (24Vdc)
Monitoring Hall-Effect (Optional)
Operating Temperature -10 to 55 Degrees
Operating Humidity 0 - 90%
Holding Force 250kg - 280kg
Dimensions (L)250 x (H)47 x (D) 26mm
Voltage 12Vdc/ 24Vdc ±10%
Current 450mA @ (12Vdc) 225mA @ (24Vdc)
Monitoring Hall-Effect & Reed Switch
Operating Temperature -10 to 55 Degrees
Operating Humidity 0 - 90%
Specification Statement
The Single Series Electromagnetic Lock should beconstructed in an aluminium case with heavy dutyelectromagnet. The range only operates in Fail Safemode and relies on a secondary lock or battery backupsystem. In some cases the Magnet Armature Plate pivotsto accommodate door drop. The lock needs to beequipped with “smart electronics” that have zero residualmagnetism (instantaneous release). This is crucial forcorrect operation.
Monitored Lock
Non Monitored Lock
Monitored and Non Monitored Lock