eCLIQ makes high school security access simpler and safer

A North Island high school has replaced bulky metal key sets for single electronic keys. eCLIQ by ASSA ABLOY gives each staff member access to the rooms they need and no one else. And when a key goes missing, it’s a simple on-site reset.


Forest View High School in Tokoroa spans a large green campus, catering to more than 425 students from years 9 to 13. Built to the Ministry of Education’s design standards of the day, it comprises separate classroom blocks, a gymnasium, an auditorium and an administration wing, as well as extensive sports fields and courts.


With multiple teaching blocks, classrooms and resource rooms, some staff had to manage as many as 6 to 10 mechanical keys. There were three key boxes, and a manual process to issue and track key usage and room access. In addition to permanent and casual teaching staff, the school had to manage site access for outside contractors, cleaners, caterers and maintenance teams.

Despite the best management, keys get lost, triggering a domino effect of administrative tasks for senior staff having to engage a locksmith to replace the lock and all associated keys. The time and cost of running a site with registered mechanical keys is high. It compromises property safety, too, as there is no way to monitor and control access after hours.


The school has installed the eCLIQ electronic keying system by ASSA ABLOY, which features battery-powered electronic keys. This requires no power to the locks themselves, with the electronic key activating the lock. The upfront cost of installation is substantially less than hard-wired locks, making eCLIQ ideal for fitment onto existing locks.

With the new system installed in under three days by local locksmith Craig Snowball, the school is now managing site and building access online, easily assigning key access for specific days and times, according to worker and school security needs.

‘Running the old traditional key system was manual and time-consuming,’ recalls school principal Jocelyn Hale. ‘There was one key for each block, different keys for different storage rooms, and yet more keys for specialist spaces like the gym, library and auditorium.’

Accessing the gymnasium required a separate key for every door, which meant staff who regularly taught in or utilised the gym had to manage a set of eight or more keys. ‘Not only was it inefficient, but when staff lost keys the locksmith had to recut the keys. They are registered keys, so there are no short cuts to the process.’

Property and personal safety paramount

Keeping the school safe and secure, and making it easier to access the gym, were driving factors in the search for a more efficient system. ‘I saw an ad in New Zealand Principal magazine about a digital locking system where the school can be in full control of access,’ says Jocelyn. ‘It seemed to solve many of the issues we were facing. 

‘We looked into different electronic systems, but most options required the locks to be hard-wired for power. We had too many doors to get power to, so it just wasn’t practical. I contacted ASSA ABLOY and found that our locksmith Craig is one of their licensed installers, so he organised a meeting with ASSA ABLOY for a demo of the system, which looked ideal.’

Complete access control

The eCLIQ system replaces mechanical lock barrels with electronic lock barrels operated by a battery-powered key. Combining the traditional elements of lock and key with powerful electronic access and monitoring technology gives the school total control over who can enter any specific building or room, and at any given time.

‘The system vastly improves the security of the school,’ says Craig Snowball of installers Peak2Sea Locksmiths. ‘The person responsible for issuing keys programmes which keys open which doors, so there is complete control over access. You can set time parameters on individual doors, like allowing them to open only during school hours. And you can set daily access for contractors to ensure they have access on a particular day or days. The system requires them to reactivate their key each morning from an external wall unit.’

Security, cost-saving and convenience

For Forest View High School, the safety and security benefits of the eCLIQ system are obvious. ‘We want staff to feel safe even when the school is quiet. They know spaces have restricted access, and they can easily open and lock spaces behind them for peace of mind.’

‘The school loves it,’ says Craig. ‘They don’t need to get a locksmith in to cut extra keys or re-key locks – there is a wall unit on the outside of the building, and it takes 30 seconds to update the data on a key via the local area network. The extra cost at the beginning outweighs all the lifetime costs of a conventional manual system.’ 


Tokoroa, New Zealand

Complete year

Craig Snowball, Peak2Sea Locksmiths

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eCLIQ keying system

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