Door closers perform vital functions: They ensure that fire doors are properly closed when not in use; they enable access control management to secure buildings, improve energy efficiency, reduce noise pollution and more.
Have you ever struggled to open a difficult door? Imagine the experience for a child or less-able person: Doors may create an impassable barrier.
With our Cam-Motion® technology, doors are easier and more comfortable to open. Your building becomes safe and open to all.
With Cam-Motion, the force required to open a door quickly falls after the first degrees. Cam-Motion technology works with the natural power of the human elbow. As you extend your arm, you can exert greater force until the moment your arm is straight.
Built with the young and less-able in mind, Cam-Motion provides superior opening force to rack and pinon technology (when used with guide rail) and fulfils barrier-free building requirements. Optional delayed closing allows more time for a user to pass through the door.
For extra safety, final closing speed can be reduced.
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