Safety and security from the skies to the seas

Restricted zones. Streams of passengers. Extreme weather. Automated doors on a massive scale. Transportation has unique challenges that we’ve spent decades perfecting the answers to. From the departure gates to the emergency exit, we get passengers and cargo safely on their way. 

Complete access solutions for transportation 

No matter how fast you’re travelling, you can’t take short cuts with safety. Transport hubs are the arteries of the modern world, so we’ll make sure every passenger and product reaches their destination.

Whether they’re booking a flight or jumping on a train, people expect to get where they want, when they want. From airports to subways, we provide reliable, customized entrances that keep them safe while coping with that demand. Automated sliding doors, for example, make rapid, hands-free access easy without getting in the way; emergency exits get people out fast if they need to.

Our global economy depends on just-in-time supply chains, so you can’t afford to be the weak link. From ships to lorries, loading areas can be fitted with the exact door you need –high-speed, vertical, folding, overhead or sectional. Our equipment is every bit as hardworking as the staff keeping goods on the go. 

Nothing slows things down like a security breach, so keep restricted areas properly protected with electromechanical locks that won’t go anywhere. Keep customers and deliveries exactly where they are supposed to be, until it’s time for their next journey.

Related industries

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