Bullet-proof doors. Perimeter security. Solid hardware. Securing government and military buildings calls for heavy duty solutions. We’ve put our security expertise through its paces to develop solutions that give complete security – and adhere to even the strictest building needs and regulations.
Town halls and public offices work very differently from police stations and prisons. But one thing all government and military buildings need, though, is smart security. The kind that evolves in lockstep with the threats our society faces, to offer the best-case scenario for even the worst-case scenario.
‘Strong’ comes as standard – like our specialist blast doors – but we also look at the bigger picture. Our mechanical locks and electronic alarms work together in totally flexible systems - so you can quickly adapt to even the most challenging situations.
Inside the building, it’s never been more important to know who has access to what. Weapons, ammunition and information – everything can be stored securely and flexibly with you in control. Tag and trace individual items so real-time audit trails show you exactly where everything is, every second of the day.
Of course, many government spaces are also public spaces – welcoming all types of people with all kinds of access needs. We work with sturdy, barrier-free construction to make sure no-one is left out. So whether your building is open to all, or just a few, we’ll make your peace of mind our highest priority.
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