Complete access solutions for banking and finance

It sounds impossible: a place that’s open to customers and easy to use, but also a high security fortress. Secure locks, doors, and cutting-edge online and offline ID verification mean that banks and finance facilities can be all those things, with no compromises.

Creating access to a fortress

Your customers are banking on you to keep their money safe. When your reputation is built on that trust, you can’t afford to get it wrong.

Our security solutions are ready as soon as someone enters the building. Automated sliding, swing and revolving doors welcome and reassure customers, while also letting staff into access-controlled areas.

Elsewhere, heavy-duty defenses are the only option. High-grade physical attack protection and locking cylinders are a must for ATMs, bank buildings and transit vehicles. 

Interested in who is accessing what? You can secure entrances, cash-in-transport or ATMs with real-time logging, or track movements with live audit trails.

Our stories within finance and banking

  • Customer case

    Aperio helps a bank protect their data while meeting their energy efficiency targets


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Related industries

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