Door Closer System

Convenience, safety, fire protection and design - the demands placed on door closers require situation-specific solutions. We offer a wide range of door closers for this purpose, consisting of overhead door closers and concealed door closers for single and double-leaf doors.


Our door closer systems contain sophisticated technologies that all pursue the same goal: to meet the needs of users at the point of use.

Whether object doors, fire doors, special doors, security doors or multifunctional doors - our door closer solutions can be integrated smoothly. 

The compatible modules of the door closer systems, such as the invisible mounting plate, enable quick and convenient installation.

Closing force and strength as well as opening damping and latching action can be regulated in just a few simple steps.

The mounting positions of the individual product ranges are diverse: normal and head mounting for hinge side or opposite hinge side in one model.

No matter which door closer model you choose, the installation effort remains the same. 

  • The quiet ones: Close Motion door closer

    • Optimum damping when retracting into the closing position
    • Safe closing of the door against the sealing pressure
    • Improved closing function in case of wind pressure, draught, suction
    • No regular readjustment necessary
    • Attractive design due to integration into the door closer housing
  • The escape route optimised: security door closer

    • Patented security door closer
    • For retrofitting an electromechanical locking system
    • For hinge side for retrofitting on fire doors
    • For opposite hinge side for retrofitting on facade doors
    • Suitable for airlock doors

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