The Brand IKON

Originally part of the ZEISS IKON AG company founded in 1926, IKON is ASSA ABLOY’s most successful brand for locking and security technology in Germany. The IKON brand offers state-of-the-art products and solutions at the cutting edge of technology. The brand product range includes high-quality mechanical and mechatronic locking cylinders, auxiliary locks and security devices and door fittings.

History of IKON

2021 Market launch of the first battery-free eCLIQ key "Spark"
2019 25th anniversary of ASSA ABLOY Group
2018 90 years of patent granting for the "Profile Locking Cylinder with Security Lock"
2017 Market launch of the CLIQ® Go smart locking system for small businesses and private users as well as the RW6 mechanical reversible key system
2014 New office Attilastr.
2012 Opending of the new production hall
2009 15th anniversary of ASSA ABLOY Group
2008 80th anniversary of the IKON EURO profile cylinder patent
2007 Market launch of the machtronic locking system +CLIQ
2005 Fusion of effeff Fritz Fuss GmbH & Co. KGaA and IKON Präzisionstechnik GmbH to form ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
2004 Integration of traditional German mortise lock and door fitting manufacturers Doerrenhaus and Melchert in IKON organisation
2003 Transformation of IKON AG into IKON GmbH Präzisionstechnik
2002 Market launch of the first intelligent mechatronic locking system technology VERSO CLIQ
1994 Integration into the worldwide operating ASSA ABLOY AB Group, the global leader in door opening solutions
1991 ZEISS IKON - OPTICS and SECURITY TECHNOLOGY split into separate companies. IKON AG Präzisionstechnik incorporated into ABLOY Security Group (Finnland).
1986 Market launch of the electronic locking cylinder system IKOTRON®
1980 75th anniversary of the Goerz Railway - constructed in 1905
1972 Cessation of camera production
1961 The ZEISS IKON key becomes a trademark and synonym for security and qualitiy
1948 Reconstrution of Berlin factory - initial production launches wiht safety locks, light fixtures und later cameras
1945 End of war - losst of works in Dresden, destruction, dismantling and reconstruction of Berlin factories
1937 10th anniversary of security lock production in Goerz Factory Berlin
1932 Major fire in Goerz factory in Zehlendorf
1930 Product programm: mirro lights, saftey locks, scientific intruments, automatic accounting aperatures, cameras
1928 Trendsetting invention of the profiled double cylinder (EURO profile cylinder) and the patent registration ushered in a new era in security technology, the age of the so-called security lock
1927 IKON provides security technology for Germany´s first police consulting branch
1926 Foundation of ZEISS IKON AG Merger of: - Optische Anstalt C.P. Goerz AG, Berlin

- Contessa-Nettel AG, Stuttgart;
- Heinrich Ernemann AG, Dresden
- Ica AG, Dresden

all well known leaders in Germany in the filed of optics. The new company backed by ZEISS IKON foundation to form ZEISS IKON AG, Dresden
1915 Start of construction on Goerz factory in Berlin-Zehlendorf
1886 Founding of "Optische Anstalt C.P. Goerz AG" in Berlin - by Carl Paul Goerz (1854-1923)