The door must meet the escape route requirement in accordance with SN EN 1125, and the operator requests that the double-leaf door is equipped in compliance withSN EN 13637 (transition period) for electrically controlledemergency exit systems in escape routes. In addition, fire protection requirements are necessary in accordance with El30.
Access is via the badge reader and by pressing the door handle. With a positive medium verification, the outside handle is coupled in by a motor, and the escape door strike released. Intervention is via the cylinder, whose contact switches the release of the escape door strike. In the event of a power outage, the escape door strike is open (quiescent current principle), and the door can be opened mechanically by the cylinder.
Exit is via the panic bar and badge reader, which releases the escape door strike. Since the door is electronically secured, an opening can only be made by unauthorized persons in the event of an escape situation by pressing the panic bar and additional pressing of the emergency button on the escape door control terminal under alarm. An emergency opening can be made both via the active as well as the inactive leaf. The driver flap and door closer with closing sequence control ensure that the leaf is closed again in the correct sequence.
An alarm is triggered when the electronically secured panic door is opened without authorisation.
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